Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Move a little slower and go a little further.....

 Some weeks are just longer than others...You know what I mean? 

This has been one of them for me. I am always "doing". Always. 

And I am reminded today, as I am forced to "do" a little less this week that sometimes our quilts try to slow us down too. When things don't seem to be working with a pattern or a design. Perhaps a day or two off would offer a new view. 

The struggle to push through the "to-do"  list is not always the most productive path forward.

 Occasionally, that push forces things that then have to get ripped out with either the figurative or the literal seam ripper. 

I am learning, even at this stage of life, that a forced slow down can be a good thing. 

In that vein, remember to slow down when things get hard-when that pattern gets frustrating, when the tension is fighting you. Take a breath, step back, make a cup of tea. Then try again. 

All of this talk of slowing down has turned my thoughts to my free motion quilting skills, which I am  in a hurry to learn. 

But there are so many reasons to do the opposite of that. To practice a little bit at a time, to let the fabric and the thread and the music (I quilt to music) move me. To play with the threads and the tension and not fight them all the time in my effort to hurry up and master a task. 

So, I'm gonna play with some new thread later. These gorgeous new Cosmo Lecien colors that just arrived!!

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