Wednesday, September 2, 2009

New Fabrics and Notions

Wow! It is September 2nd and 48 degrees this am in Virginia!! Feels like fall already.

And the fabrics for fall projects are gorgeous! We have new Halloween fabrics from Northcott as well as the gorgeous winter collection-Sherri Berry Holiday!

I sure got the sewing bug! We are working on turning some great Cherry House patterns into kits with the new fabrics.
Be sure and check the website for our new items.

And once again my mind wanders to the kits and patterns realm. Seems some quilters think that a quilt pattern must be done in the colorway on the pattern! What a limitation-changing the colorways or print scales on a pattern may completely rejuvenate a long loved pattern.

We love to take a pattern and turn it around with completely different fabrics. Quilting patterns are no different from sewing patterns in that-you wouldn't only make your skirt out of the one fabric shown on the pattern-the same is true with quilts! Open your mind and you'll find "new" patterns in your favorite pattern stash.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Fabric Trends

It is nearly Summer already and I find myself contemplating the never ending search for new fabrics. I have been drawn to more and more of the contemporary fabric designs of late and was beginning to think I had really grown weary of the "traditional". I was wrong.
I began to make some curtains for my soon to arrive first granddaughter's room and I had an epiphany.
Her curtains began with a modern print and something just didn't "feel" right. So I added a more traditional little flounce at the bottom and they were perfect!
I don't think I need to take the shop in just one direction with our fabric choices. We can blend the more modern and the traditional fabrics with great success. I knew that, but had somehow forgotten.
I am so grateful I was reminded!
So mix and match and create to your hearts content. Don't get caught up in just one mode!
Happy Quilting!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

It's here!!! The Hoffman Challenge Fabrics for 2009! And they are stunning.
They also sold 35 yds in the first 12 hours! I wish I had doubled the order...
Be sure and check out the Challenge website:
And visit us at: to get yours before they are gone!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Happy Tuesday! I am excited about today...the possibilities are endless. New internet friends to meet, new experiences, a fresh day....

And we just got these darling some Beach Babe prints in from Hoffman Prints. They are so cute! This kit contains all the fabrics for the top of the quilt and the pattern.

We can change out the pink tonal and make the kit more blue for the special babe in your life!

I am personally working on a "beachy" blue, white, and cream throw for a gift for someone special. Will put up some pictures when it is ready. Must be ready by March 8th, so I better get to piecing. Write us to have us put together a special kit for you!

 Ok...I'm not big on resolutions at all.  But I do love to write. I just need more hours in the day. If anyone has a secret method to cr...