Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Custom Kits

Here at Seaside, we often do custom quilt kits. For the past two weeks I've been working with a great customer from Texas. She's a beach lover like I am. So we spent some time planning a quilt for her from the White Sands Fabric Collection just released by Northcott. Then she asked to see some other beach collections  that we could make some kits out of. We ended up doing 3 kits and some extra yardage. 

She was so pleased with the way we package our kits.I thought I'd share the photos with you. 

Each part of the kit is separated and labeled. We can also cut kits down to sewing size pieces for a fee. For years now, I have had customers ordering custom kits. Several will just call me and say, "Hey Barb, I want a kit with purple flowers as the theme". And we exchange a few photos and we're done!

So, if you are one of those quilters (and there are many) who don't relish the work of choosing focal sizes, scale, color, and compliment, etc., drop us a line. We're happy to do the planning work with you.

Happy Tuesday,

Seaside 1

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