Friday, July 7, 2017

" Free Motion Quilting"

"Free Motion Quilting"

The title is actually a little play on words. I was thinking about being flexible when we are working on our quilts as a result of a conversation with a customer a couple of weeks ago. She found herself short of a "critical" fabric. Haven't we all done that? Been in the quilt shop, gathering fabrics and wanting to spend only what is absolutely needed. Even as the salesperson gently reminds us that manufacturers, more often than not, do not reprint fabric collections, leaving us in a quandry at the point where my customer was.

Beth was looking for a fabric that she was using as framing around some hexagons she was making. She claims to be a beginning quilter.  She sent me a picture of the quilt while we were chatting on the phone and I laughed when I opened the file. Not disparagingly, but out of awe. Beginning quilters don't often take on such quilts. When confronted with her dilemma, she was not deterred by the small bump in the fabric, so to speak. She simply kept moving forward. 

We all could take a lesson from her lesson: to not be sidelined by our little bumps, but to quilt, and even live, with the imperfections and find new ways to move forward.

Thanks Beth for the reminder! You are one amazing "beginning" quilter. 

I often have good luck finding hard to find fabrics-if you are stuck, feel free to email me and I'll gladly look around for you.

I also often buy the last bolts in the warehouse, so we often have pieces that are no longer generally available.

Remember, it's time to get moving on those holiday projects! I look forward to helping you bring them to fruition. Fabrics, Quilters Dream Battings, Starr Hand Dyed Quilt Kits and Fat Quarter Bundles, and patterns and notions-we have it all. 

Happy Friday!


 Ok...I'm not big on resolutions at all.  But I do love to write. I just need more hours in the day. If anyone has a secret method to cr...